ExpertAssist works with a large variety of clients, stretching from pharmaceutical companies, large credit card companies, manufacturing businesses, and high tech industries to non-profit entities, educational organizations, and government bodies. In doing so, we encounter and resolve an even wider range of custom requirements, obstacles, and development needs that cover SharePoint 2007/2010/2013, Office365, and all associated technologies. The case studies presented below represent innovative solutions that ExpertAssist has developed for clients to suit their specific needs, but can be tailored to satisfy the functional requirements for businesses of all sizes
This PowerShell and .NET application dynamically created SharePoint sites based upon data retrieved from the client's vendor management system. The system is responsible for creating 1-5 sites per week.
Allow a site to be shared to users that are restricted to specific domains, and specify which groups users can added in to.
Implement a portal to serve as an all-purpose platform for the company to push out information and for external users to utilize as the primary access point.
Implement a method to automatically create sites while following guidelines and adding customized content.